据悉,《秋山万水白鹤满堂》寿山石屏风内芯宽达1692mm、高986 mm、厚度为80-85mm(以上数据不含屏风边框及底座)。该屏风是纪汉涛先生2013年从台湾朋友手中购得的,属国宝级别,具有非常高的收藏价值。YBq泰国华人中文网站【泰华网】
古往今来,文人墨客对石屏风情有独钟,赋诗题字赞颂。清代著名书法家石屏人涂晫将它题写为“醉石”;清代乾隆年间解元喻如圣为之题联“龙虎风云成聚会,石屏人文此根源”;清代文化名人许印芳在其《喻氏石山歌》中写道“孤根吐云极变态,结形立堵如屏风;筋骸皱瘦孔透漏 ,造作天巧非人工”;当代中华诗词顾问孔祥庚写诗赞“平海成波天地通,异龙头上见屏风,沧桑此变孰为记,百姓延绵知始终”;原任国家书协主席沈鹏题写“石屏风”;现任国家书协主席张海书写“云龙湖青鱼清水湾湾湾水色秀美,乾阳山云梯观光道道道山景奇观” 赞美石屏风光。YBq泰国华人中文网站【泰华网】
The largest shoushan stone screen in the world--The shoushan stone screen named with Fall Hill, Endless River and Numerous White Cranes collected by Ji HantaoYBq泰国华人中文网站【泰华网】
In 2013, Mr. Ji Hantao from Manila, Republic of the Philippines, collected the shoushan stone screen named with Fall Hill, Endless River and Numerous White Cranes. With the width of 1,692 mm, a height of 986 mm and a thickness of 80-85 mm of the internal core of the screen (The above data does not include the screen frame and base), it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the largest shoushan stone screen in the world.YBq泰国华人中文网站【泰华网】